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High Range Fluoride Colorimeter - Checker® HC
High Range Fluoride Colorimeter - Checker® HC
High Range Fluoride Colorimeter - Checker® HC
High Range Fluoride Colorimeter - Checker® HC

High Range Fluoride Colorimeter - Checker® HC


Use our simple handheld colorimeter to get better water testing results.

Our high range fluoride colorimeter brings you more precise technology from your typical chemical test kit. Since they rely on the human eye, standard test kits have limited accuracy. With our handheld colorimeter you don't have to struggle to match to a color chart as you get direct digital results.

  • Our portable handheld colorimeter is easily carried in your pocket.
  • One-button design makes getting your fluoride results simple.
  • Quickly get your results without using a color chart.

*Products classified as Dangerous Goods can only be shipped via ground.

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